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The Sabin Parent Teacher Association is a non profit, volunteer organization made up of parents, teachers, administrators and community members. Our PTA strives to provide a sense of extended community and to support the school, teachers, parents and each individual child. The PTA sponsors classroom projects, teacher grants, and community events during the year and provides volunteer support for classrooms, our garden, and special events.

The Sabin PTA program funding is generated through a variety of school-based initiatives.  Our main fundraisers for the 2023-2024 school year include Run for Sabin, Dine Out for Sabin fundraisers, Mt Readmore and the amazing Sabin Art Show.

Our school is enriched by the energy and enthusiasm of the entire community and we encourage EVERY adult with children at Sabin Elementary to join the PTA.  It is through your memberships, volunteer hours, and overall participation in your student’s education that we achieve success together.

Upcoming Events

Thursday, May 14th:
Dine Out for Sabin: Oakshire

Oakshire will donate $1 per pint for Oakshire beer and 10% of Brewfare Pizza sales all day, Tuesday, May 14th when you mention Sabin!

Wednesday, May 15th:

PTA Meeting

5:30 in the Family Resource Room. Free childcare and pizza are provided in the library for students of attending parents. Meetings are open to everyone.

Thursday, May 30th:

IB Trait: Inquirer Assembly

1:30 for K-2 and 2:15 for Grades 3-5. Families are invited to honor their Knowledgeable & Reflective students.

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