Merchant Programs
The following companies have generously partnered with
the Sabin PTA to donate funds to our school at no cost to you.
Box Tops for Education
Earn free cash for Sabin by simply scanning grocery receipts!
Download the Box Tops mobile app to scan your store receipt. Add your student’s name and teacher by clicking the Credit button. Enter only 1 student/teacher per receipt. The app identifies eligible products and automatically adds Box Tops to Sabin PTA’s earnings online. Even if you’re shopping online or doing grocery pickup, you can still submit digital receipts and earn Box Tops. Twice a year, our school gets a check!
Your earnings may seem small, but they really do add up! The more people that participate, the bigger the impact we can make. So let's give our teachers the support they need and help give more kids the opportunity to dream.
Fred Meyer Community Rewards
Earn free cash for Sabin using your Fred Meyer Rewards Card
Here's an easy and no-cost-to-you way to help support our kids
and teachers. Fred Meyer is donating $2.6 million each year - up
to $650,000 each quarter - to local schools, community
organizations and nonprofits.
Whenever you use your Rewards Card when shopping at Fred
Meyer you will be helping Sabin Elementary School earn a
donation from Fred Meyer. You will still receive all your earned
Rewards Points, Fuel Points and Rebates!
Don't have a Fred Meyer Rewards card, or can’t remember the
number? Stop by the Customer Service Desk at any
Fred Meyer store. Once you have your Rewards card number
you can link to Sabin as your nonprofit
Link your Fred Meyer rewards card to Sabin PTA HERE Search for Sabin as the non-profit organization you wish to support.
Our organization ID# is CK657. Click next to Sabin School PTA, then press Enroll! Tell a friend to sign up too! The more Sabin families who link their rewards cards to the school, the greater our earnings will be!