Sabin School A-Z Guide
Welcome to Sabin School! This A-to-Z guide was created to explain many of the terms, tools, groups, and events at Sabin School. For general school information and staff listings, visit the Sabin School website.
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Back to School Night
This community event is typically a September gathering of students, their loved ones, teachers, and the administration to share a meal, music, and to get (re)acquainted with Sabin. Organized by the school with support from PTA, the event gives parents and caregivers the opportunity to tour the school, see their child’s classroom, meet their child’s teacher, and get to know other Sabin community members.
Bike and Walk to School
This program encourages students to walk, bike, skate or scooter to school, promoting health and well-being as well as encouraging the use of alternative forms of transportation. Students also are invited to participate in International Bike and Walk to School Day during years when school is on campus. For more info: www.walkbiketoschool.org/
Black & Brown Parent Advisory Council
BBPAC is a team run by and for Black and Brown families in an environment that is culturally affirming. BBPAC guides the school administration and the PTA to help ensure that all decisions prioritize Black and Brown student success in a welcoming and inclusive school environment. For info, please email Interim Principal Diltz at cmdiltz@pps.net.
Black Family Night
Black Family Night serves as a community-based support network for parents and families of African, African American, and bi-racial African American children. The goal of BFN is to provide a mechanism for connecting around the goal of ensuring that African and African American children have an equal opportunity to thrive at Sabin.
Fall parent/teacher conferences are an opportunity to meet your child's teacher, see your child's classroom and learn about how your child is doing. It's also a time to ask questions or talk about any concerns. Creating a partnership with your child's teacher around your child can make a big difference. For tips, visit http://www.pps.net/Page/961.
Connect to Kindergarten
These informational events take place in the early spring and fall, with day and evening options. Parents/guardians of incoming kindergarteners are invited to visit Sabin, spend time in kindergarten classrooms, meet the teachers and view the common areas of the school. Parent volunteers help answer questions and direct visiting families. For the 2023-24 school year, first graders and their families are welcome to join!
Community Care Day
Typically the Saturday before school starts this is a district-wide day of service to spruce up our campus grounds—all are welcome to help out.
CUB (Civic Use of Buildings)
Individuals and community groups may schedule use of PPS facilities during non-school hours by obtaining a permit through the Civic Use of Buildings (CUB) office, as school schedules permit and by permission of the school principal. Visit www.pps.net/Page/1486
Emergency Preparedness
The Emergency Preparedness Committee is typically a group of parents working to help prepare Sabin families and the school to respond to and recover from a disaster, such as an earthquake. Portland is located in an active earthquake region. Experts predict that the region will experience a large scale quake within our lifetimes. The committee works closely with the Sabin Community Association and the Sabin Neighborhood Emergency Team. The parents leading this committee have graduated – please email info@sabinpta.com if you are interested in supporting or leading this important group.
Field Day
Field Day is an all-inclusive, non-competitive, active and fun day at the end of the school year. Under the direction of our physical education teacher, stations are set up on the field and playground. Parent volunteers make this fun and exciting day possible for all students.
The Sabin School Foundation raises money to fund Sabin staff positions at Sabin School including teachers, specialists, and educational assistants. The Foundation is run by parent volunteers and is an affiliate of The Fund for Portland Public Schools. Typically the foundation holds a main fundraiser in the Spring. The school principal decides how foundation dollars are spent on staffing. For more information contact: sabinfoundation@sabinpta.com
Fred Meyer Community Rewards
Through Fred Meyer Community Rewards, we can earn money for Sabin PTA while we shop. Simply link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to Sabin at www.fredmeyer.com/communityrewards. Search for Sabin PTA by name or non-profit number (85955). Every time you use your Rewards Card, Sabin earns a donation! And you still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates!
Fun Fridays
On periodic Fridays during the school year, students have the opportunity to earn and participate in fun activities, such as the Golden Ticket Store, dance parties and ice cream buffets.
Fund for Portland Public Schools
The Fund for Portland Public Schools is the foundation mechanism for the Portland Public Schools district. It also provides the infrastructure for the local Sabin School Foundation and other individual school foundations. The Fund for PPS manages the Portland Public School Equity Fund, whereby one-third of the funds raised through the Sabin Foundation (above an initial $10,000 threshold) go to the Fund for PPS. For example, if the Sabin School Foundation raised $22,000, $4,000 would go into the Fund for PPS and $8,000 would go to the Sabin School Foundation. This equity fund is distributed among schools that are less able to raise money and helps close the achievement gap. For more information see: https://fundforpps.org/.
Garden Committee
The Garden Committee organizes work parties (including Community Care Day, Fall and Spring Clean-up parties) and meets regularly with the Sabin Garden Educator to plan and care for Sabin’s wonderful fruit and vegetable garden, rain garden, nature playground (aka North Playground), Native Garden (by the south playground), and other outdoor spaces. For info, contact info@sabinpta.com or our SUN Site Coordinator, Rachel Prust, at rprust@pps.net
Golden Tickets
Golden Tickets are a positive behavior support system in which teachers and staff give out yellow “tickets” to reward students for displaying IB learner traits such as being kind, open-minded, caring, helpful, etc. During Fun Fridays, students then have the opportunity to visit the Golden Ticket Store, designed and run by student leadership, to “buy” items, gifts, or experiences (like an ice cream party).
Hour of Code
Organized in the past by the STEAM committee, Hour of Code is an event that guides Kindergarten to 2nd grade students do an hour of code during Computer Science Education Week in December. Watch for details for this event, which needs volunteers.
IB / International Baccalaureate School
Sabin School is an authorized International Baccalaureate World School, and “IB” is the basis of the Sabin curricula. Founded in 1968, the International Baccalaureate is a non-profit educational foundation offering four programs of international education that are dedicated to developing the intellectual, emotional and social skills needed to live, learn and work in our global community. A goal of IB is that students study unified concepts throughout the day that challenge them to inquire and develop a framework of understanding around topics. For more information contact Mr. Diltz at mdiltz@pps.net or visit https://www.ibo.org/programmes/.
IB / Global Experience Night
Global Experience Night is an evening event held at Sabin School each spring that invites families to visit classrooms and celebrate our students’ IB work. This event includes dinner, sponsored by the PTA, and time to connect with the Sabin school community.
Kelso’s Choice
Kelso’s Choice is a conflict management skills program. The choices are: Make a deal, Wait and cool off, Go to another game, Talk it out, Share and take turns, Ignore it, Walk away, Tell them to stop, and Apologize. The Kelso’s Choice wheel is painted on the South Playground and etched in boulders in the Sabin Peace Garden.
Latinx Family Night
Latinx Family Night is a periodic gathering of Latinx students and their family members to share food, build community and enjoy activities together. For more information, email our Spanish Teacher, Ms. V, at jvillanuevavillarrea@pps.net
Student Leadership is an opportunity for teams of 4th and 5th graders, facilitated by school staff, to help shape our school for the better with their ideas and energy. Students participate through committees such as Equity, Student Support and Assemblies and Events. Student Leadership meets during the school day. Students can let their teacher know that they’re interested or email Ms. Moller, school counselor, at emoller1@pps.net. Adult volunteers are also appreciated to help guide the teams once per week.
Lost and Found
The Sabin School lost and found is located by the first floor staircase on the east side of the building. Volunteers help organize, display, and eventually wash lost and found items in preparation for donation at the end of each month. Unclaimed items are donated to the Portland Council PTA Clothing Center. Parents, please label your child’s belongings and check the lost and found area on a regular basis.
Mt. Readmore
Mt. Readmore is Sabin’s annual celebration of literacy. In January-February students and loved ones gather for a “basecamp” event with storytellers, librarians and reading games throughout the school. For the next several weeks students find sponsors, track their time, share favorite books with friends, dress as favorite characters, and read, read, read. The “ascent” of Mt. Readmore helps raise money to support literacy at Sabin. For questions or to volunteer, contact mtreadmore@sabinpta.com
Nature Playground & Garden
Located on the north side of the school, the Sabin Nature Playground (aka North Playground) was the first natural playground created in the Portland Public School district. It includes the Sabin Garden, the outdoor classroom surrounded by a natural amphitheater, a climbing area made with lots of natural materials, and the Sabin Peace Garden which includes three willow huts, boulders with Kelso’s Choices and a Free Little Library. The 3-year renovation (completed in fall 2016) of this area was led by PTA and powered by community donations, grants and many volunteers.
Neighborhood House (before and after-care)
Neighborhood House offers before- and after-school care when school is in person and in session, in addition to full-time summer care, for school-age children at Sabin School. For more information, visit https://nhpdx.org/youth-services-2 or call 503-246-1663
Oregon Battle of the Books
OBOB (sometimes referred to as Battle of the Books, for short) is a statewide voluntary reading motivation and comprehension program supported and organized by school volunteers. Students in 3rd-5th grades are exposed to quality literature representing a variety of literary styles. The mission is to encourage students, broaden reading interests, increase comprehension, promote academic excellence, and encourage cooperative learning and teamwork among students. For more info, visit www.oregonbattleofthebooks.org.
PTA (Parent Teacher Association)
The mission of the PTA is to make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. We support school administrators, teachers, and staff members by recruiting and coordinating volunteers, fundraising, and organizing community events and programs to help meet the needs of all Sabin students. The PTA hosts monthly meetings throughout the year in which all community members are encouraged to join, interact, or raise any questions they have about Sabin.
Restorative Justice
Restorative justice empowers students to resolve conflicts on their own and in small groups. Inclusion, bringing affected parties together, making amends, and reintegrating students into the classroom community are common pillars of Restorative Justice. Sabin teachers and staff have been trained in RJ practices and use them with students when applicable. See also Kelso’s Choice.
Room Parents
The room parent serves as a point-person to organize parents for classroom events, ensure good communication among parents within the classroom group, and help coordinate the volunteer needs of each classroom. If you’re interested in becoming a room parent, email roomparent@sabinpta.com
Run for Sabin School
When red and yellow leaves cover the South Field, it’s time for Sabin Stars to run! Typically in October, Run for Sabin School is our most important fundraiser for school activities, classroom support and empowering the Sabin learning community. Students collect pledges for the number of quarter-mile laps they can run in 30 minutes, then zip around to the sounds of music, encouraging teachers, and cheering parents.
Sabin Stars
The official mascot of Sabin School.
Safety Patrol
Supervised by Mr. Gardiner, 5th grade teacher, the Safety Patrol is made up of 5th grade students who volunteer as crossing guards. They are stationed at selected intersections near Sabin before and after school.
SES Classrooms
Sabin is home to two SES (Social Emotional Skills) classrooms of approximately 10-12 students each (one class for K-2nd and one for 3rd-5th grades) that are staffed by Special Education Teachers, para educators, Therapeutic Instructional Coaches and Qualified Mental Health Professionals (QMHP). SES students, family and staff are an integral part of our Sabin school community.
SES Family Nights
Parents and families of SES students are encouraged to join in monthly family nights to build community and socialize. For more information, email Interim Principal Diltz at mdiltz@pps.net
School (and PPS) Acronyms
Sabin, and PPS more generally, often use acronyms. For a quick guide to things like ECCP, QMHP, and SpEd visit the PPS site: https://www.pps.net/Page/13610.
School Pictures
Individual student pictures are typically taken in the fall. Class pictures are taken in the early spring. Stay tuned for more info.
SchoolPay is an online tool that allows families to pay for items such as school lunch, registration fees and donations without having to send a check to school. It also provides the convenience of paying by Visa, MasterCard or Discover Card online or onsite. Parents and guardians are able to use one login at SchoolPay to see all items available to them as well as the payment history for each of their students. Visit http://www.pps.net/Page/3528 for more information.
Season of Sharing
Our annual Season of Sharing event is an opportunity for our Sabin School families to help provide a happier, healthier holiday season for families in need right here in our community. Parent volunteers work closely with our Sabin SUN Community School office to coordinate, collect and deliver gift baskets and groceries to area families in the month of December. For more information, contact Rachel Prust at rprust@pps.net.
Site Council
The Sabin Site Council is composed of parents, teachers, and staff working together to develop plans to improve the school’s instructional program, track progress toward implementing a comprehensive achievement plan, and to improve staff professional growth in order to best serve our student population. For information see: www.pps.k12.or.us/schools/sabin/232.htm.
Spring Art Show
The Spring Art Show is typically a fundraiser run by the Sabin Foundation for funding additional teacher/staff positions at our school. The event typically takes place in April and highlights student work.
The STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) Committee runs events such as Hour of Code and the Science Fair. The committee is looking for new leadership and members!
Sabin SUN, a program of Self Enhancement, Inc (SEI), aims to improve the lives of children, their families and the community by extending the school day and developing schools as community centers in their neighborhoods. SUN provides applications for free after-school meals/programming for Sabin Students during much of the year, with classes such as gymnastics, Spanish and chess. For more information, email SUN Site Manager, Rachel Prust at rprust@pps.net or call 503-916-6707.
TAG (Talented and Gifted)
The Portland Public Schools’ TAG program focuses on meeting the student's instructional level and rate of learning every day in the classroom across the curriculum. Classroom teachers assess a student's level and rate in all subject areas and modify the instruction to provide appropriate content challenge and instructional pacing. Nominations for the TAG program are accepted in the fall. Teachers or parents may nominate students. TAG testing takes place in the spring. Announcements regarding TAG nomination deadlines are posted on the TAG bulletin board by the Sabin office. Questions regarding Sabin’s TAG program should be directed to Sabin TAG Facilitator, Stephen Gardiner at sgardiner@pps.net.
Teacher Appreciation Week
This week is part of a national teacher appreciation initiative during the first full week of May. It is an opportunity for families to thank the teachers, administrators and support staff who make the difference in our children’s education. Room parents and other volunteers typically help arrange classroom-wide expressions of appreciation, and individual notes are encouraged all the time, but especially the first week of May!
Tickle Bees
The Sabin School field is home to Andrena bees that burrow in the soil to provide a safe nesting place to lay their eggs and where young bees can develop before emerging each spring. As the name "Tickle Bee" (bestowed upon them by our own Sabin School students) suggests, Andrena bees are harmless and will not sting. In fact, they are incredibly useful pollinators in the garden, and many Sabin kids look forward to their emergence each spring.
During school hours, ALL visitors and volunteers must buzz in at one of the video intercoms (located at the North and South entrances) then check in at the front office upon arrival.
Sabin students benefit immensely from caregivers’ volunteer support in a variety of ways, including in the classroom, during lunchtime, planning community events, and supporting teachers. Please email us with your volunteer interest so we can help match you with volunteer opportunities: volunteer@sabinpta.com.
Yearbooks are available in the early spring and include individual pictures by class as well as pictures of student activities and events. Parent volunteers assist with yearbook planning and collaboration. To join the volunteer yearbook team, please email yearbook@sabinpta.com