PTA Executive Board / Job Descriptions
PTA President serves as the primary PTA representative and liaison to Sabin staff and the parent community. Communicates with Principal on a weekly (or more) basis. Coordinates with Sabin staff as needed. Ensures that PTA remains in good standing with Oregon PTA. Enforces Sabin PTA Bylaws and Standing Rules. Sets agenda and presides over all Board meetings (includes executive committee meetings) and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except any nominating committee. Recognizes board member contributions and auction leads. May call special meetings of the board and/or executive committee.
Job shadows the President, learning the requirements of the President role and filling in for the President as needed and upon request. President-elect presides at all meetings of the council, including the executive committee, if the president is unavailable. Helps enforce the Bylaws and the Standing Rules. President-Elect shall be an ex-officio member of all committees, except any nominating committee.
Acts as primary communicator(s) between school staff and the Sabin School PTA; oversees special classroom needs (room-parent system) and activities as directed by classroom teachers.
Vice-president of Community Outreach
Coordinates the delivery of school events, which are appealing and accessible to all families; ensures school information is communicated in ways that reach all families; fosters and develops community partnerships.
Records and posts minutes from all PTA executive and general meetings. Conducts all necessary correspondence from the executive committee to membership and outside organizations. Compiles agenda items between meetings and by request. One week before meetings sends a draft agenda to the president and PTA officers. Prepares agenda based on board feedback and makes copies for each meeting. Takes minutes and records action items during meeting including all attachments, original copies of requests and other such materials as are necessary for a complete record. Helps keep meeting moving forward.
Performs the fiduciary duties as described in State and Local Unit Bylaws. Maintains PTA bank accounts including checking and merchant account(s), prepares and presents monthly “budget to actual” or other financial reports at monthly PTA meeting, reconciles monthlybank statements, maintains the PTA checkbook (all checks require two signatures), disperses payments and reimbursements as requested (and approved by the PTA), prepares and maintains files for annual audit. Two PTA members who are not on the executive committee conduct audit. This position requires background check. Responsible for IRS 10-99 filing, filing PTA tax returns and annual report with Oregon Secretary of State’s Office. Leads a Financial Committee to prepare a recommended budget to submit to the June board meeting. Budget to be ratified at the September general PTA meeting. The estimated expenditures should be determined by examining the previous years’ expenses and the yearly plan proposed by each standing committee chairperson. PTA bank statements will be mailed to a board member other than the Treasurer.
*Required position
Non-voting board positions:
Communications Liaison
Provides electronic communication to school staff and PTA membership via website and e-mail announcements. Manages website content. Maintains e-mail listserv with all Sabin School staff and 2012-13 school parent directory entrees, including class parent distribution list. Works with membership coordinator to create and maintain PTA e-mail distribution. Creates posters, flyers and other “take home” communications for PTA events and notifications.
Membership Coordinator and Volunteer Chair
Solicits members, tracks PTA members, submits roster online to Oregon PTA, maintains membership database, keeps up to date current list of members to help the Board ensure that only PTA members vote at PTA meetings.
Fundraising Chair
Coordinates and runs the smaller fundraisers like Book Fair (fall and spring), sweatshirts, Chinook Book, Pizzicato, etc. as endorsed by the PTA board. Coordinates fundraising activities with Auction committee.
Committee chair/s
as leads for PTA committees. Prepare monthly committee updates for PTA membership. Send them in writing them to the secretary no later than two days before each PTA meeting. Reports should include: accomplishments, challenges, announcements and/or next steps.