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Walk and Bike to School in May

Starting May 2, Sabin School’s Walk+Bike Challenge Month will begin. We will join over 200 other Oregon elementary and middle schools competing statewide.

The Walk+Bike Challenge is a month-long event in which Sabin students are encouraged to use active transportation such as walking, bicycling or rolling (skateboard, scooter, etc) to arrive to and from school for the entire month of May.

Here is what’s happening at our school.

Sabin Bike Trains will be every FRIDAY for the month of May. Mark your calendar for May 6, for a special visit from the PBOT Safe Routes to School Bike Fairy!

Walk Ambassadors will be greeting walkers before school a few times during the month to hand out encouragement incentives.

PRIZES- At the end of April, Sabin Walk+Bike tracking cards will be sent home, look for them in your child’s backpack. Each week students will turn in their weekly card to have a chance at winning prizes at the end of the month, such as helmets, bike themed trinkets, water bottles, sunglasses, etc.

Golden Shoe Award - The class with the highest percentage of walk/bike/ roll participants to school will be awarded the Golden Shoe award in June.

As always, we need volunteers to help make this event happen. If you are interested please contact Marika Roe at

The Walk+Bike to School Challenge is brought to Sabin School by the Bicycle Transportation Alliance with generous support from the Oregon Department of Transportation-Transportation Safety Division, and Portland Bureau of Transportation Safe Routes to School.

Transportation Safe Routes to School.

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Sabin School PTA  4013 NE 18th Ave.  Portland, OR  97212     /    503-916-6181     /

The Sabin School PTA is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit. Tax ID # 93-1037650

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